Audrey Teeter
Model/ Actress/ Activist/ Author

Audrey Nicole Teeter embodies several artistic and human variables.
The North Carolina native navigates the roles of author, actress and activist without missing a beat.
The burgeoning writer has penned her first book detailing her she-roic journey of being an out and proud trans woman entitled “Broken Through A Shattered Glass”.
Within her first literary offering, she describes the process of embracing herself in totality despite the many cultural, environmental and emotional oppositions.
Audrey Nicole doesn’t challenge fear, she embraces it and uses it for artistic channeling.
She is currently featured in Youtube/Charlotte based “LIFE CHANGES” as Nico/Nicole.
This character resonates personally with the actress as we watch the plight of questioning the direction of their life. Audrey’s vulnerable portrays of Nico/Nicole not only shows her delivery, she surrenders to the pain and depth of Nico/Nicole.
She expands her acting chops as Jade in “FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING” and of course her exploration of RIRI in “HOPELESS ROMANTIC”.
Audrey’s goals range from more roles, series of books and much more.
Her definitive landmark is to land a talk show that will educate, enlighten and entertain individuals around the globe.
Audrey Nicole Teeter will not stop until her name and brand is in every household.
Recently Featured on Season 2 of Reality Show 'Models and the City", What is next for this Gorgeous and Dynamic boss?
Stay tuned for our exclusive interview with Audrey this July 2023.
Follow Her at the platforms below, and don't forget to get your copy of 'Broken Through a Shattered Glass' Today on Amazon.
Instagram: @___audreynicole
Facebook: Audrey Nicole
Snapchat: Audreyy.nicole1